Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Debunking The Deception and The Ignorance

"Besides, the girls advertisement on the web may not be an evidence of her condition, because of the timing and may be she is cured after knowing that you are guilty. "
  Yeah, that and you can get AIDS from sitting on a toilet seat and drinking the blood of an albino can cure AIDS! 
  I got a very good chuckle out of Dr. Peng's unflinching belief that Alice suddenly went from being a "normal" young woman to weeping, social withdrawal and depression with just an alleged "touch on the waist", and then just as suddenly back to "normal" at the news that (surprise, surprise!) the nursing university found me guilty of sexual harassment - all within a span of less than four months. 
  This is the kind of widespread ignorance of mental health and prejudice I had to endure in Taiwan with this false accusation. I met more than just a few people who were either victims of their own ignorance and gullibility in believing such an incredible transformation by Alice, or because of their prejudices against foreigners and "ethnic pride" they believed I must have done something to her. This experience further opened my eyes to just how foolish and racist people can be.
  Even when presented with evidence clearly contradicting the nursing university's lies about Alice's condition, many people chose to either just dismiss it with weak or inane excuses or to stick their heads in the sand and pretend it couldn't be possible the nursing university and Alice were lying. Worst of all, the nursing university, the Ministry of Education, the Executive Yuan, and later the Taipei District Court all ignored or dismissed all the pages of evidence I submitted uncovering this blatant fraud.
  Here were the first pieces of evidence I submitted to the university's Gender Equity Committee, found by my best Taiwanese friend on Alice's blog after he got the idea to search for any information on the web by her Chinese name. Some weeks later when Alice suspected her blog was being read by friends of mine, she locked her blog so only those with her permission could read it. Why?
  The explanation preceding the photos was sent to my last lawyer when I was trying to get him to arrange my long-overdue presentation of evidence to the judge in August 2010.
  Please take a close look at these 3 photos taken on July 11, 2007, just one month after the Alice Yang’s false accusation against me. They were found by my Taiwanese friend on Alice’s blog in July 2007.
  This is more evidence of the nursing college’s lies that Alice was experiencing “weeping, depression, and social withdrawal” after the time she alleges she was touched.  As shown in the photos, was still active in social activities including this English Camp, and…she was not shy to take photos with foreign men whom she did not know with their arms around her body (one photo she has her arm around the man and her head resting on his shoulder) and she is smiling very brightly. And, in 2 out of 3 of the photos, she is next to a man, on the other side from her female friends. Does she look like someone who is weeping, depressed, and socially withdrawn?
  In addition, if she really had some kind of depression or emotional problems, how do we know that they did not already exist before June 4 and that she sometimes experiences symptoms of depression or weeps because of things that happened to her in the past? She already wrote in some of her blogs, and she told some staff at the nursing college, that her family had serious family problems as she grew up that affected her.
  The nursing college never had Alice examined by an independent mental health professional who could confirm Alice’s true mental and emotional condition and the causes of her symptoms (if she really had any). The nursing college claiming that “a touch on the waist” caused her depression, weeping and social withdrawal makes no sense and is not supported by mental health information or common sense. 

 Another example of "depression" and "social withdrawal?" Here is a message Alice posted on July 11, 2007, on a public message board to one of the male teachers just after the Summer English Camp finished:


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