Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Talk Clears The Air; A New Idea to Try and Avert a Lawsuit

----- 原始信件 ----
寄件者: Curt D <>
收件者: 彭 向陽 <>
寄件日期: 2007/9/25(星期二) 下午10:12:16
主 旨: Thank you

Dear Dr. Peng,

  Thank you so much for your care & concern to meet with me & Camille on Sunday so we could clear the air about my plan to change lawyers and for all the additional information you told me about what's going on with this situation. I'm just stunned by the ruthlessness and callousness with which certain people at NTCN have treated me in doing this things...especially after the four years of hard work, dedication and care that I put into my work there...and even participating in the very activity (with the president's encouragement) outside school that got me in this mess. 
  Having our talk was some help also to try and ward off the increasing stress and memory loss I've been suffering. I hope very soon the lawsuit can begin and my time to speak up and tell the truth will be at hand. If this drags on too long, I'm very afraid I will suffer some lasting emotional & psychological damage from the stress and trauma of carrying this awful burden. It is already affecting my mood around my friends, coworkers and even Camille. I risk damaging my social life as well from enduring this situation for too long.


----- Original Message ----
From: 彭 向陽 <>
To: Curt D <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 1:58:40 PM
Subject: Re: Thank you

Dear Curtis

There must be a much more clear purpose for you in the future after our talk Sunday afternoon. Be patient, for the course of lawsuit ahead of you will not be ended in a short time. But if you believed that you are innocent, your insistence and the evidences will make you win (also the strategy used by the Lawyer).
From the beginning I decided to give you a hand, just because in my mind, if the events were fallen on my son and he were go abroad! I really understand the feelings of you, your families and the contents of previous letter you wrote.
Be strong, and the justice will be on your side. Adeline and I will always support you.

                                                                      With Regards
                                                                      SY Peng  Sept 26 2007

FROM: Curt D
Thursday, September 27, 2007 8:31 AM

Dear Dr. Peng,

  Thank you for your understanding and support and helpful advice. I am patient to follow the course of the lawsuit...just want to get the lawsuit in motion so that justice can have its chance to help me. I know it will not happen quickly so all the more reason to get started as soon as possible.
  There may be a new way to help get this issue settled without a lawsuit. One of my student-friends told me yesterday he spoke to a former classmate of his who works for a Taiwanese lawmaker. After hearing my story, he is interested to help me so today I will give him some documents detailing the happenings of my case so he can determine how serious this is and decide how to help me. I spoke to the lawyer Dr. Lin about this yesterday and he agrees this is a good course to follow and preferable to a lawsuit. I also hope to avoid having to file a lawsuit, so if the lawmaker can really step in and help resolve this properly and fairly then it will be better. He said he would find a female lawmaker to handle this case as it would be more effective than a male lawmaker.
  I will keep you informed as to the progress of this plan.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Stroke of Luck While Waiting For The Lawyer's Decision

FROM: Curt D
Saturday, September 29, 2007 12:47 AM

Dear Adeline,

  Wow! Yes! Quite amazing how the timing was for discovering Sara's blog before Alice did...and copying all the blogs you pointed out before she removed them all. Despite the really terrible nature of this situation, sometimes I still see that God is watching over me and guiding/helping me and those close to me to get through and conquer this. It really is such a good stroke of luck that you caught it last night and you promptly called me so I could see and save these blogs. Thanks again Adeline for your great help...and for the continued encouragement you give me. Although I feel down and a bit depressed sometimes, I have not - and will not - lose the strong will to fight this wrong and clear myself of this bogus accusation. I want those responsible for doing this to me to know they will not get away with it...and I want them to feel worse suffering and disruption in their lives than they have caused me thus far.
  I'm worried again about Dr. Lin. I called him this morning after Dr. Peng called me. I started telling him about continuing preparations for a lawsuit and sending the letter to NTCN with the deadline for answering my appeal, then just a minute into the call suddenly we got disconnected. I called back a few minutes later but no answer. I called again about 5 hours later, both of his numbers, but he did not answer nor did he return my calls. I also wanted to clarify with him that it will take a while to assess whether or not the lawmaker can be of any real help, so we must proceed with preparations for the lawsuit at the same time. I will try contacting him again tomorrow.
  If Dr. Lin is too busy or uninterested to talk to me, and to send the letter and represent me legally on this case, then I will eventually have to find a new lawyer despite all he's done so far. His willingness, availability, and enthusiasm to pursue this strongly determine whether or not I want him to represent me. No matter how much he has done already and knows about this case, if he doesn't have the time, motivation or interest to continue with the lawsuit then it will be counterproductive to push him too much to continue. Since our talk last Sunday, he still has not told me he wants to discuss any details of formally representing me as a lawyer.


FROM: Curt D
Saturday, September 29, 2007 5:35 PM

Dear Adeline,

  Hi. Just a short update. I have tried several times today to reach Dr. Lin, at both his numbers, but no answer. He never returned my calls yesterday nor has he today. I don't want to keep calling him as if I have nothing better to do with my time. When you have time, please talk to him. Please ask him to VERY HONESTLY tell you if he is really interested to represent me in the lawsuit against the people at NTCN. I really get the feeling he IS NOT, but he is reluctant to admit it for some reason. It will do no good for me, or for him, if he is not 150% interested, involved, and VERY MOTIVATED to pursue my case. I will not send him any more documents or call him anymore until I am assured he wants to represent me, and he has the time, and he will send the letter with a deadline to NTCN by Monday. I've asked him several times to discuss with me about formally representing me, but he has not and I don't know why.
  I am very patient to allow the law & court to investigate and rule on my case...but so far nothing has started toward this and that is what I am unsatisfied with. For almost 4 months I have been on the defensive and at the mercy of the evildoers & conspirators at NTCN. It's time to reverse this and start my offensive to regain my reputation and normal life. I realize that will take some it's time to get started.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alice Deletes and Hides Her Blog Posts to Cover Up The Truth

----- Original Message ----
From: 艾琳
To: Diggs Curtis <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 5:19:29 PM
Subject: the latest update time

Dear Curtis, 

When I checked on Alice's blog this morning, I found that she took down many articles and responses marked as hidden articles. The latest update time of Alice's blog is 2007/09/27 23:37. It was a couple of minutes after we talked on the phone last night. I am so glad that you had saved the important article and response from Sara before she found out. I thought we just caught Alice, and Sara just exposed Alice's evil behavior carelessly. You'd better give these pages from her blog to Dr. Lin.  
I am sorry that you have to go through all of these things. But still, as your friend and colleague, I have to remind you that your enemy is right in front of your door, there is no other choices for you to make right now, but confront your enemy with good health, clear mind, and steel will. You have to fight for your teaching job and personal credit. Your family in the USA will agree with me, don't they? God bless you. 


Signs of The Increasing Stress of an Endless Nightmare

FROM: Curt D
Sunday, September 23, 2007 10:28 PM

Dear Adeline,

  Thanks! I'll check the photos again and try to identify Rafael. Also...thanks so, so much to you and Dr. Peng for your care & concern to meet with me & Camille today so we could clear the air about my perception of Dr. Lin's willingness to pursue the lawsuit and for all the additional information you told me about what's going on with this situation. It's some help also to try and ward off the increasing stress and memory loss I've been suffering. I hope very soon the lawsuit can begin and my time to speak up and tell the truth will be at hand.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting Closer to The Move From Administrative to Legal Action

FROM: Curt D

Friday, September 21, 2007 9:32 AM

Dear Adeline,

  Hi! How's the first week of school? Any new news about my situation?
  I met Dr. Lin on Wednesday to pick up the appeal letter & documents and handed in the appeal to NTCN the same morning. Yesterday I talked to Dr. Lin again to tell him I want to begin the lawsuit on Oct. 1. To my surprise, he tried to talk me out of it and he was very reluctant to agree to start the lawsuit. He even suggested that first I try to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the president to tell her what I will do and to talk to her. I was very angry and shocked he suggested such an impossible thing! The time for her to talk to me was back in June before this thing went to the committee.
  Anyway, I am almost sure Dr. Lin does not want to handle the lawsuit. Perhaps he doesn't have the time or energy to pursue this in the court. It's okay. He has been a big, big help to me in the school process and I can't say enough how grateful I am for his help and guidance. Now it's my turn to take control of this situation and to begin the journey to justice and proving the truth. The school will delay answering my appeal for months and months because there is no time limit for them to answer. The time to move on this is now. I am looking for a new lawyer.
  Also, I found another new personal ad posted by the student on another web site, "seeking Men for dating, longterm relationship or marriage."


FROM: 周艾琳
TO: Curt D
Friday, September 21, 2007 5:25 PM

Dear Curtis,

It's good to hear from you because I was thinking of you and your case while we were in the English faculty meeting. This was the first time we met the new teacher who replaces your position. The poor teacher is overloaded with teaching, revising journal papers, editing some documents, and handling any assignments from the nursing department and the president. We were shocked when she talked about any teachers can ask her for revising their submitting papers for free. You can image how busy she is. Actually, it's very hard to find a stable teaching position at colleges in Taiwan, so this teacher does not complain too much about it. Suddenly, I felt so insecure and something just came up my mind, "am I in someone's way?" 
If you think Dr. Lin cannot meet your needs to achieve your will, you may consider doing so. However, Dr. Lin and you had gone through the hard time, and now, you have different thinking. It's up to you. Also, it's grateful to know that you are appreciative of his help. Have you thought about asking help from AIT? AIT may recommend lawyer to you and you may save some money on lawsuit.


Monday, July 25, 2011

More Behind The False Accusation and Collaboration of The Conspirators

----- Original Message ----
From: 周艾琳
To: Curt D <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 4:31:17 PM
Subject: Re: More interesting information

Dear Curtis,

That is so odd. After reading the first attached message, I found that this girl may have some problem with her mind. For example, according to her article on her blog dated June 26th, she clearly wrote that she thanked NTCN for terminating your contract and expelling you from the college. She did it not only for herself, but for new coming students who may possibly be taught by you. Inconsequently, from your first attached message, on July 11th, she later posted that she is happy to have a chance to see you on campus. According to her articles on her blog, she sorrowed over "this sex harassment you made to her" which made her life gloomy and depressing. However, someone or something must be hidden behind the true story. On the same date, Tuesday, June 26th, she had a good mood to have dinner at a famous steak house. Remember, it was two days before the "trial (this is what she called in her article)" of the gender equality committee. Seeing her behaviors, I don't see any one of her effects mentioned in the results letter from the committee. Now, the truth is blurred, and I am really confused.   
Your appeal letter is so realistic, I mean the tone and words, that I hope they can understand your points clearly.  I hope the truth about this case will come to light.  Honestly speaking, after understanding your case, I see students with different color lenses now.  How can such a young girl do such a thing intentionally?  I just don't understand. 


FROM: Curt D
Friday, September 14, 2007 8:56 AM

Dear Adeline,

  Yes...there is a lot that is strange and confusing about the student. What it all boils down to is there is something wrong with her and that has played some part in her making such a ridiculous and unfounded accusation. My guess is it's part just meanness (from her and some of her classmates who are behind this), part immaturity to realize the magnitude of what she's done and the damage to me, and part mental/psychological/emotional illness. Whatever influenced her, the fact remains she has done something very wrong and, yes, my feelings toward the students have also changed since the accusation. How could anybody, particularly such young girls, do such a horrible and dirty thing as this?
  "She did it not only for herself, but for new coming students who may possibly be taught by you." She said something similar in her accusation. What she really is talking about is she thinks she is helping some current students who did not pass English and she is helping any future ones who might not pass either. I'm guessing that Dr. Tsai said something like this to her and some other students, plus some other not-so-flattering things about me in front of the students, and this probably emboldened them to take some action...knowing they had her support. The moving of my position to the nursing department fits in perfectly with all of this. Dr. Tsai nor any of those bad students wanted to see me teaching them in this new configuration.
  As for her July 11 message (see Debunking The Deception and The Ignorance), she was not talking about me. She sent that message for some teacher named "Rafael", I guess her teacher during some English camp outside NTCN she attended. I guess she had a nice steak dinner before my "trial" to celebrate the already-fixed decision to find me guilty. This is almost beyond belief what the student and the other conspirators at NTCN have done. For what? Their morals and integrity are very, very low and corrupted to do such a thing as this. I dedicated myself to my work and helping all the students to really improve their English and improve themselves...and this is the kind of thanks I get for my 4 years of hard work! None of the them had the courtesy or respect to talk to me about the students' feedback about my teaching...nor did they have the same to support me as a fellow teacher and tell the students they should stop being lazy, improve their poor attitudes and study habits, and pass the class on their merits and not expect a teacher to pass undeserving students. Plus, I volunteered my time to participate in that outside activity for the school, especially at the encouragement of the president. What a setup!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Appealing The Nursing University Decision While a Con Woman Deletes Her Tracks

FROM: Curt D
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 8:26 AM

Dear Adeline, 

  Hi. Thanks for letting me know about this. I called Dr. Peng yesterday afternoon during a break from teaching. She told me a little of some interesting news about the committee but some more complicated details she was unable to tell me in English. I will ask the lawyer to call her today to get the complete information from Dr. Peng. Meanwhile, I have finished my draft of the appeal letter and will send it along with some other documents to the lawyer today. He will write an appeal letter in Chinese. 


To the Gender Equity Committee of NTCN

  You’re kidding me, right? Is this all you can show after 2 months of “investigating”? This document you have sent me is a prime example of the abuse and miscarriage of the Gender Equity in Education Act. Your absence of professionalism, objectivity, fairness, and lack of appropriate knowledge during the investigation shows clearly also in the convoluted, illogical and unsupported result. In response to your letter, I am presenting the following rebuttal:

  1. Article 16 of the Regulations on the Prevention of Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment on Campus states that ‘’Experts or scholars specialized in the investigation of sexual assault or harassment case…shall meet one of the following qualifications…” There were no such experts or scholars present for the investigation of this case. Present were three unqualified, ill-prepared, conspirators who made such obviously biased and prejudiced statements to me such as “How do you know you didn’t do anything?” and “Anybody is capable of sexual harassment.” They showed very little knowledge of a) “Basic concepts of sexual assault or sexual harassment and pertinent laws and regulations”;  and demonstrated a lack of b) “Skills and knowledge to investigate a campus sexual assault or sexual harassment case; as well as used improper c) “Handling procedures for a campus sexual assault or harassment case.
  2. In result #1 of your letter, you did not make clear how many “students” were interviewed and the results of those interviews. In addition, at my meeting with the investigation committee they stated definitively and clearly that there was only the student accuser and one student witness in her support. You also did not state the results of my account of the activity and the corroboration of my two witnesses (staff of NTCN) present at the activity.  I have two witnesses who support my story that no such contact as alleged by the accuser happened.
  3. In addition, you did not mention the video and photographic evidence I submitted that showed the accuser’s normal interaction with me just after the time of the alleged “touch.” In fact, you have totally ignored nearly all my strong evidence that refutes the accuser’s story. 
  4. In result #2 of your letter, you contradict yourself and again ignore the evidence I submitted of the accuser’s emails and chat messages that included overtures of affection and flirting with me.  Since our relationship was good and friendly, and friendlier from the student towards me, it is illogical to say you can “exclude the possibility that the student intended to attract the teacher’s attention.” From the evidence I presented, it is a very real possibility that the student was trying to attract me and when I ignored her overtures she sought revenge on me with this false accusation.
  5. In result #4, what clinical and substantial proof do you have of the accuser’s emotional, psychological and social conditions? How do you know the accuser was not, in fact, impaired by  some already existing emotional, psychological or social conditions, influencing her decision to make this false accusation against me?
  6. In point III of your letter, you state that because of Result #4, that is the reason for not renewing my contract. However, at the meeting the committee stated at least twice that they wanted to make sure that I understood that the sexual harassment accusation and the non-renewal of my contract were not related and two different issues. They definitively stated that the non-renewal of my contract was not because of the sexual harassment accusation. It is clear you have twisted and altered certain parts of this case to fit your biases and to obtain and support the results you seek…the committee and NTCN’s abuse and miscarriage of this process.
  7. In conclusion, the decision letter you have sent me shows one very important and overriding point: the evidence of the accuser and her witness are very weak and there is nothing realistically strong enough or “beyond a reasonable doubt” to prove any kind of harassment took place. And the reason their case is so weak is because “NOTHING HAPPENED”!!!  I repeat: “NO SUCH THING HAPPENED”!!! There is nothing they can prove since NOTHING HAPPENED! Hello? Anybody home? “NOTHING HAPPENED”!!!
  8. An added point:  Article 2 of the Gender Equity Education Act states in #4 that sexual harassment qualifies as
    1. Unwelcome remarks or conducts that carry explicitly or implicitly a sexual or gender discriminating connotation and thereby adversely affect the other party’s human dignity, or the opportunity or performance of her or his learning or work.
    2. A conduct of sexual or gendered nature that is served as the condition for oneself or others to gain or lose rights or interests in learning or work.
Based on Article 2, the student’s accusation should never have even gotten to the investigation stage since her claim of a “touch on the waist” does not meet either of the above criteria.  And, more clearly:
    • sexual harassment may be described as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other physical and expressive behavior of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education;
    • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting the individual; or
    • such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic or professional performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment or educational environment.  

FROM: Curt D

Thursday, September 13, 2007 8:47 AM

Dear Adeline,

  Hi. I found some new interesting links/information about the student and am attaching a couple files for you. For some reason just after I found her information on Tealit she deleted that ad. She shouldn't have known I saw the ad.

  I also attached the appeal I wrote to the committee's decision. I sent it to the lawyer and he will write the appeal in his words plus some of mine in Chinese.


      Friday, July 22, 2011

      More of The Human Side of This Nightmare Shows

      FROM: Curt D
      Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9:03 PM

      Dear Dr. Peng,

      Hi. I just wanted to enhance your understanding of my feelings and state of mind about this situation. I hope you, Adeline (Mrs. Chou) and Dr. Lin can also empathize with the fact that I am somebody's child. My parents, my four sisters, my grandparents...they are all far, far away from me and very worried about what is going on here. It would be bad enough if this happened in the States, but they could be right beside me to support, encourage, comfort and assist. Imagine if one of your children were far, far off in another country and they phoned home to you tell you the same sort of thing happened to them. How would you feel?
      I don't want my parents and rest of my family to also endure worrying and waiting endlessly to see some progress and resolution of this situation. My grandparents are nearing 90 years old, my father is 75 and my mom is 65. It would be a bigger shame and great pity if one of them were to leave this life even before seeing their grandson/son absolved of this and for them to be at peace that I am okay. I hope you can understand this.


      Thursday, July 21, 2011

      Confirming The Truth of The Nursing University's Ruse

      FROM: Curt D
      Wednesday, September 12, 2007 9:02 AM

      Dear Dr. Peng,

      Hi. I've often been so busy these past few weeks since starting the new job. It is a very time-consuming job...mostly because of all the time spent copying supplementary materials the school encourages us to make and the students almost demand. Plus, a lot of time spent the first two weeks with observing other teachers and training.
      Thanks for the helpful information on what's really going on with the committee. As I told you on the phone, I suspected the whole process has been controlled and fixed by those who want this result. And when they added the part in the letter about the student's emotional and psychological condition to justify not renewing my contract, well, it made everything they are doing so clear and obvious. It is so incredible and sickening how low certain people at NTCN have gone to get me out and achieve their plans. They could have prevented all these bad things if they had just done things the proper way...but I guess it's not the way they usually do things and less interesting or fun for them. It's shocking that I worked hard and dedicated myself to NTCN and helping students in many ways, and this is the "thanks" I get for all my hard work and loyalty.
      I sent the appeal letter and documents to the lawyer yesterday and asked him to call you because you have some important information for him. I have attached a copy of what I wrote for the appeal.
