Monday, April 22, 2013

Taiwan News: Bloodthirsty, Biased, Racist and Law-Breaking

  Another of the frustrating aspects of my nightmare legal battle in Taiwan was the shamefully biased and racist treatment, and the intervention of "dark forces," I faced when dealing with the island's media. From the print to electronic media, my side of the case was NEVER given fair coverage. Mostly the news outlets just flat out ignored me and made no attempts to respond to invitations to interview me. There was one Taiwan TV news outlet that sent a reporter to interview me early-on in the case, but soon after they did an abrupt about-face and nothing ran about my story.
  It wasn't until the very end of my lawsuit - 4 unnecessarily long years from the start - that  Taiwan's bloodthirsty, anti-foreigner media finally reported on my case. In a patent example of the covert & cozy relationship between certain of Taiwan's media, the government, the judiciary, and "dark forces," news about the Taipei district court's decision began appearing in Chinese-language newspapers as well as online on various Taiwan Chinese-language news and government websites. Some even dared to use my Chinese name, which was known to many and could also be used as a search term on the web to find my English name. All in violation of judicial yuan laws & regulations that prohibit the reporting of details of cases like mine involving an allegation of sexual harassment.
   In my May 1, 2011, blog post I included links to several of the stories about my case and the court's decision. However, recently while reviewing all of my posts I discovered that all but one of the links was dead. The stories mysteriously disappeared. Why is that?
  Luckily, I had saved some of the stories in a Word document while others I was able to conjure up through cached versions still out there in the vast cyberspace universe. 
  Here they are, in Chinese, with one of them translated very roughly into English with the help of Google Translate. Until I can get more accurate translations myself, I welcome anyone who would like to do a translation and send it to me to be posted on my blog.


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