----- Original Message ----
From: 彭 向陽 sypeng48@yahoo.com.tw
To: Curt D <in8aqua@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 3:25:33 PM
Subject: about the conclusion Dear Curtis:
Do you receive any decision from the gender equity committee?
If they delay in answering, you should send a letter to urge them.
The employment of a new English teacher by the Dept of Nursing was agreed by The Teacher's Evaluation Committee, although one of the representatives of our Center queried the correctness of this process. But Pr. [Professor] Tsai said this is a new project for they need a new teacher to responsible for the teaching of nursing English(?).
Don't hesitate if you think I can help you.
With Regards
SY Peng 8/24/2007
----- 原始信件 ----
寄件者: Curt D <in8aqua@yahoo.com>
收件者: 彭 向陽 <sypeng48@yahoo.com.tw>
寄件日期: 2007/8/25(星期六) 上午10:33:21
主 旨: No conclusion yet Dear Dr. Peng,
Hi. No decision yet from Gender Equity Committee. On Wednesday I called the Counseling Center and spoke to Ms. Yung-hui. She said the decision was given to the president and was awaiting some action by the president before it would be sent to me. She said MAYBE I would receive the decision sometime next week. As usual, they are using delaying tactics to drag this process out too long. I called Dr. Lin to tell him of the further delay and told him to please be ready for as soon as I get the decision I want to meet him so we can start the legal process against everybody who is involved in the wrongdoing toward me.
Thank you for updating me on what's going on about the new English teacher process. I will make sure this remains a key point in my legal action against the school that they lied about why they did not renew my contract.
I'll contact you again as soon as I have the decision.
----- Original Message ----
From: 彭 向陽 <sypeng48@yahoo.com.tw>
To: Curt D <in8aqua@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 10:48:52 AM
Subject: You have to Push them Hi Curtis:
The president Chung is on vacation or travelling around at Los Angeles from the late of July to August, and people said she will be back to office this week. Here you will know the reason of the delaying. If you do not send a legal letter to push them, the personnel office always not in a hurry and delayed as long as they can!
Since there seems merely no chance for you to go back to teach in the college now, If I were you, I will demand for compensation for the un-renewing decision of the authority of the college.
With Regards
SY Peng 8/27/2007
----- 原始信件 ----
寄件者: Curt D <in8aqua@yahoo.com>
收件者: 彭 向陽 <sypeng48@yahoo.com.tw>
寄件日期: 2007/8/29(星期三) 上午10:29:57
主 旨: Re: You have to Push them Hi Dr. Peng,
Thanks for the update on why there is this unnecessary delay in getting the decision. As I said earlier, this is more of the games they have been playing with me. I have been pushing them on my own because the lawyer has not recommended sending them a legal letter. He just tells me to wait. So, all I can do is keep on them myself with visits to the counseling center or phone calls. I will check the policy more closely, but as I remember they were supposed to conclude everything within two months and notify me of the result. It has already been nearly three months since the student submitted her accusation to the school. So, this could be another point against NTCN for violating the deadline. I will confirm with the lawyer.
I already concluded a while back that my best recourse will be to seek compensation from the college for what they did since it was apparent early on that they would delay the process as much as possible and try to prevent any chance of me returning to NTCN. The lawyer agreed earlier with this. So, I will seek the maximum compensation for this.
Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:32 AM
Hi Curtis:
Congratulation for getting a new job.
According to the rules about the accusation for sex harassment, three months are the longest time for the committee to make a conclusion. Actually, two months are the regular time course, but can be delayed for additional one month.
Please watching on your mail box from now on, or you can ask for receiving the document by yourself.
I guess the authority of the college will not give you the result untill the deadline.
With Regards
SY Peng 8/30.2007